I receive hundreds of 'Alerts' every day about our business. Today I received one with the following title:
Tips Upon Looking A Magician For Hire
Apart from the poor English in the title, I found an 'article' that was very strangely written and full of mis-information. It started:
"When hiring a magician on a birthday party or corporate anyhow, you will want an entertainer who offers a scoff at clarify and makes your event memorable. However, there are scads so-called illusionists who haven’t taken the time to perfect their art variety."
Maybe later I'll include some other extracts and comment on them, but the point today is about opportunities for you to get your name out there by writing true, factual, inspitrational, helpful articles and distributing and syndicating them on the internet.
Maybe you have never considered 'Article Marketing' as a promtion tool. Perhaps it's time you did. I'll be showing you just how powerful this can be and it's a FREE way to
- build credibility in your niche
- raise your profile
- esatablish your 'platform'
- build trust and likability
- add to your authority
- create content for your Blogs
- create content for Social Media sites
- create valuable link juice
- create content for your website
- write an ebook, bit by bit
- make your site 'stickier'
- create ezine content
- create an ecourse
- get valuable comments on your blogs
- and much more
Well, that's todays tip. But whatever you do, don't write articles like the one I read today!
John Gordon
The Infotainer
Founder of APE
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