Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Queen's Christmas Day Secret

It's been revealed that Her Majesty The Queen watches her own televised 'Christmas Day Queen's Speech' but NOT with the rest of her family.

Apparently she retires to an adjoining room and watches herself in private. Now why would she do that?

Critical Comments

Apparently she watches and makes notes on how she could improve the presentation so that any mistakes are corrected the following year. Now that's excellent and we should all review what we do. However, to do so onloy in private and therefore exclude the possibility of first impression, fresh comments from nearest and dearest is actually missing out on an important opportunity that cannot be repeated.

I'm certain they all provide positive support afterwards, but this will be less useful than immediate comments without preparation. And we must all be aware of this and make use of those moments after a performance, whilst still at an event where our audience, whether customers, clients or guests, make comments about what they have seen and felt.

Further, to then make contact with important people whose opinion we value for more detailed feedback.

We don't all, like The Queen, have the luxury of speech writers or other experts to perfect what we deliver - so this on the spot and later first hand feedback is essehntial.

Maybe that's something you could look at building in to your after show action in the New year.

Happy New Year to you all

The Infotainer

Goal Setting & Goal Getting

I'm writing this just after Christmas and therefore with just a few days to go until the New Year starts.
Now, as many of my students and apprentices will already know, I don't believe in waiting for 1st January to set goals and make decisions. However, it IS the time of year when many DO make some changes, make a new atsrt, make promises to themselves.
Whether they keep them or not is another matter, of course, and I'll deal with that in a later post.

New Year Resolution Tips
For now let me offer you this advice:
  • Set Goals carefully. Only set Goals you truly want to achieve. 
  • Ensure that they are Specific ie detailed
  • Ensure they can be measured - so you can see progress and know when you have completed them
  • They should be a challenge and stretch you a bit - but also should be possible!
  • Don't choose anything impossible or that has bad effects on others!
  • Set them from your heart. Dig deep and mean them. 
  • Write them down and share with people you trust and who can support and help you.
Then start to work on your goals!
Tell me what goals you ahve set and what will your first step to achieving be.

Until then ....

John Gordon
The Infotainer